We where so pleased to go to Belfast on Saturday to show off some of our different collections, We where overwhelmed by how warm and inviting the city and it's people are. Its truly a magical place and we hope so very much that we can return to work their on a regular basis! So much to see and do in this vibrant city, not to mention the amazing breakfast we got from Failte's restaurant.

Today's Diamond of the Day is the Archduke Joseph a colorless, antique cushion-shaped brilliant, originally weighing 78.54 carat. It originated in India's Golconda mines, where the colorless Koh-i-Noor, the Blue Hope Diamond and other famous diamonds also originated. It was named after Archduke Joseph August of Austria, its first recorded owner who had it deposited in the vault of the Hungarian General Credit Bank on 1st June 1933. This was the first record of the existence of the Archduke Joseph diamond. In 1936 it was sold to an anonymous buyer who is believed to have been a European banker and kept in France, locked away in a safe deposit box, where it remained undiscovered from the German occupation powers during World War II. It surfaced at auction (but not sold) in 1961 in London and again at Christie's in Geneva in November 1993. On November 13, 2012 the Archduke Joseph (76.02 carat) was sold for more than 20m Swiss frank.

Today's celebrity engagment ring comes from Colleen Rooney in at number 48 on our top 50 countdown. Wayne Rooney might have proposed to a 17-year-old Coleen McLoughlin in a petrol station in 2003, but he more than made up for that with the four-carat, emerald-cut diamond ring he gave her. Estimated Value: $46,000
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